버전 13.1.02 (22/01/2025)
- (VLS2549) Software size follows Windows zoom (GDI scaling).- Minor correction for index search in minimum intermediate times.
- IBU export: XML file name automatically calculated from codex.
- (VLS4267) Integration of the dynamic data register, allowing access to the latest static files without having to update the software.
- (VLS5022) “Next page” and “Previous page” keys no longer create an exception in timing management child windows.
- (VLS4935) Correction of point list translations.
- Race Result webservice, handling of identification error and exceeding the limit of 10 token requests every 10 min.
- (VLS5015) In filtered mode, recalculation of a competitor's ranking does not count him twice for total counts.
- DSkiAP: Integration of dynamic data register + addition of parallel scenarios to installer + removal of form created at startup + unnecessary file cleanup.
- Passive transponder display corrected.
- Protection key: the green circle is no longer displayed if no key is connected.
- Added Race Result Ubidium decoder.
- Other minor corrections and optimizations.
버전 13.1.01 (02/12/2024)
- The old key coding system is abandoned in favor of a subscription model (VOLA Board).
- Unified translation management to support 18 languages.
- (VLS4434) Penalty calculation values are recorded per codex rather than per test.
- (VLS4656) Race tickets print data based on correct columns.
- (VLS4790) Added management of timing point at firing point exit, differentiated from pit exit.
- (VLS4824) FFS XML export: biathlon season extended to October 31.
- SkiNordic: Updated specifications for national federations.
- SkiNordic: Updated FIS and FIS specifications.
- Addition of microgate stopwatches ReiPRO, RTpro, HiLink.
- (VLS4603) Start list: breaks are inserted after the competitor preceding them if filters are activated.
- (VLS4728) recalculation of the ranking after a competitor has been modified or the timing has been opened with a filter list is optimized.
- (VLS4591) Microgate REI2: DNS/DNS/DSQ support.
- (VLS4402) Alge Timy: the re-download algorithm is no longer enabled by default as it only works in PC Timer mode.
- (VLS4611) The number of competitors processed is not limited to competitors in filters.
- Correction of scoreboard not updated in ESF.
- (VLS4672) Internal renumbering of intermediate deviations for optional software.
- (VLS4783) Simulator: translation file search corrected.
- Added run and test titles for ESF scoreboards. Titles and runs are correctly calculated for proposed scoreboards.
- (VLS4782) DQP icon replaced in timing window.
- (VLS4516) The draw update button is active for all FIS races.
- (VLS4370) Biathlon time accuracy is 1/10.
- (VLS4877) Competitor data is correctly displayed in penalty calculation.
- Secure configuration file saving.
- ITS Cobra and Atom decoders added.
- Databases are forced to page size 4096 if they are not already.
- Added management of version numbers and compatibility tests.
- Improved modal window sizing according to text displayed.
- Translations: corrected sending of special characters.
- (VLS4629) Chronelec Protime Elite: custom UDP port applied before decoder connection.
- Translation of user language file editing action.
- Chinese and Russian title strings are now in wide char.
- Added support for intermediate speeds for MyLaps X2 and Tranx 3, Alge MT1, Race Results USB Timing Box and TrackBox, Faro. MyLaps Tranx3: identification of Loop Triggers.
- Translations are correctly retrieved in UTF-8.
- (VLS4577) Rich text line formatting no longer causes memory access violations.
- (VLS4919) IBU: IBUId field added, dedicated export created with "Shoots, Penaltytime, Length, Highestpoint, Lowestpoint, Totalrise, Maximumrise, IBUId, Shoots, Time" fields.
- Updated background image.
- (VLS4813) Added minimum time tests when configuring looping on intermediates or finish.
- (VLS4909) Typology correction for Norsk.
- (VLS4906) Arrival and departure impulses can be cancelled for 99 seconds instead of 9.
- RRS via api, token manager webservice is called on first webservice connection.
- (VLS4861) FFS Registrations: FIS registrations are retrieved from the codex of the selected event, error message display added if present.
- (VLS3609) Added automatic saving of events and software configuration every 60 seconds or 5 minutes, or on important operations.
- The RRS decoder can be used via the Race Result API.
- Race Results RRS: new channel numbering: the first digit corresponds to the loop ID and the second to the channel ID. https://vola.fr/fr/timing/kb/article/1015-definition+of+channels)
- Lympik Chronos timing device added.
- FFS: Participants are retrieved differently depending on the federal level of the race.
- Next competitors grid: The optional field appears in the competitor names column.
- Next competitors grid: The competitor name column is expanded to take up the full width of the available space.
- Biathlon: Data displayed is based on intermediates, not sectors.
- It is possible to delete several filters at once in the filter list.
- Changing filter settings does not change the filter title if the title has been changed manually.
- ITS Chrono TM550 timing device added.
- SQLite 3.46.1 update.
- Other corrections and optimizations.
버전 12.1.04 (17/01/2024)
(VLS4517) The gate and reason for disqualification is printed on the final results for all heats.
(VLS4518) Alge TED2: Automatic re-download of sequentials can be disabled.
(VLS4528) Correction to the initialization of the run number for the export of start lists, which is only taken into account the second time the window is opened.
(VLS4536) English: Correction of DQP text.
(VLS4537) Correction of an error generated on the final ranking if a competitor has a status.
Update of Vola-Aid remote control.
XML export FIS Sprint finals, addition of competitors who took part in the qualification.
Correction of duplicate competitors in the XML export of the Sprint final phases.
Vola-Aid remote control updated.
버전 12.1.03 (04/01/2024)
ESF: migration follow-up following renaming of ESFSki to SkiESF.
(VLS4461) Number of shots per competitor taken into account in shot entry interface.
(VLS4467) Arrows preceding and following competitor are correctly displayed. Competitors with different numbers of shots are moved to the end of the list.
(VLS4482) Final ranking: inters and sectors titles are correctly collapsed.
(VLS4483) Addition of name, committee and club of the rated competitor.
(VLS4487) Catalan and Spanish languages updated.
버전 12.1.02 (13/12/2023)
Improved positioning of certain components.
Removal of 6D in standard protocol for Alge D Line.
(VLS4415) Added error message if points lists are not imported for continental cups, the group is recalculated when a competitor is moved. The order is updated correctly on the Live FIS interface.
(VLS4423) Italian language update.
(VLS4432) Corrected printing of results by table.
(VLS4431) Levels and groupings in FFS/FIS are now selected from the general settings interface.
(VLS4283) The FIS prefix for licensee codes when importing Continental Cup and World Cup lists is only forced in France. Points import is based on the description provided in the first line.
(VLS4406) Improved contrast in the Order column of the race number assignment.
(VLS4448) Latvian language update.
(VLS4452) ALGE Timy: The last two characters of the time are printed correctly.
(VLS4454) RGPD: the competitor list printout correctly forces the display of personal data if the box is checked.
(VLS4461) Number of shots per competitor taken into account in shot entry interface.
Added default simulator configuration.
EET: bib column added.
FFS calendar: FIS codexes are imported with the country code, based on 4 digits.
(VLS4420) VC Redist 2015x64 added for PCs not already up to date.
버전 12.1.01 (29/11/2023)
Separation of the Alge D Line display into two modes: a standard mode for lines leaving the factory where only the running time/classification/finish time are displayed. Extended mode allows you to choose your scenario.
(VLS4407) Addition of the value none in levels and groupings, the level and grouping are taken from the previous line when added.
(VLS4410) Correction of overlay of deviation and time data for scoreboards.
(VLS4416) Restored templates do not have offset fields.
(VLS4417) Load/save buttons visible on penalty printout, replacement of various components on print windows.
(VLS4421) DQPs are correctly displayed in the untreated management window, DQP text is displayed in timing management.
(VLS4420) VC Redist 2015x64 added for PCs not already up to date.
버전 12.1.00 (27/11/2023)
The program is now only compatible with 64-bit architecture.
Update of categories and coefficients.
RGPD: Competitors not wishing to have their personal data broadcast will have an X displayed instead.
(VLS3010) Team and nation fields added for teams.
(VLS3475) Add legend for competitor list.
(VLS3857) Team race: team and competitor table fields available in filters.
(VLS3978) Text alignment in free header follows user's choice.
(VLS4017) FFS races without points can be exported.
(VLS4026) Biathlon shot entry interface: improved list generation, competitor statuses added, competitor statuses correctly updated.
(VLS4199) Added the possibility of specifying a single shot in the event parameters.
(VLS4274) Team race: mass start can be managed by filtering by competitor or by team.
(VLS4277) Updated FIS list address.
(VLS4266) Update FIS FTP server address.
(VLS4192) Addition of FIS-approved tracks for New Zealand.
(VLS4312) Timestamp server connection settings corrected.
(VLS4329) Penalty not exported to FFS_SP group, but race can still be exported.
(VLS4144) Added codex to subtitle in FIS mode.
(VLS3740) Added a notes field visible in the race list and in the subtitle; the selected race and sort are retained after the software is closed.
(VLS4159) The checkbox displaying all lists is retained, the list of concurrent fields to be updated is retained.
(VLS4268) Alge TED2 stopwatch added.
(VLS4166) Microgate REI2, REIPRO: Add print to paper strip.
(VLS4276) Add two channel-sound configuration slots in stopwatch parameters.
(VLS4317) Enable https communication protocol with Alge-Results server.
(VLS4128) Searching for a competitor by bib number in the timing window now works for category classification.
(VLS4032) Scoreboard: For the type of information to be displayed "Competitor's time to beat", two options are available. An "In race / At finish" display with a time limit after the competitor's arrival, or a "Permanent" display.
MyLaps X2: Transponder output is displayed on a 256-point scale.
The software's internal time base no longer depends on Windows time, thus avoiding possible jumps if the clock time is modified (e.g. automatic by NTP).
(VLS3970) Start list editing, the first line of a subdivided column is no longer trimmed.
(VLS3993) When importing timing data offline from an ALGE Timy device, the software does not check that pulse numbers are sorted in ascending order.
Roman numerals are capitalized for the "Format a field" function: "First letter capitalized".
Displays an error message if there is no internet access during the version update test.
FFS: Separate management of groups and levels in codex selection parameters.
SQLite 3.42.3 update
DynaPDF 4.0 update
Removal of support for parallel protection keys.
Improved presentation of print windows.
Selected grid lines are now more visible.
Swiss-Ski: Support for importing female gender with the letter W and D.
Hints are displayed faster and remain displayed longer.
The "race ticket" field can only be activated if race tickets are enabled.
(VLS4199) Added the possibility of specifying a single shot in the event parameters.
(VLS4374) German language updated.
Norwegian language updated.
(VLS4239) Integration of temporary DQP status: the competitor remains classified during the race but his time is prefixed with DQP.
(VLS4384) Start list orders are not affected by breaks.
(VLS4395) Added import of levels and groups from FFS calendar.
(VLS4403) FFS import: information message on number of competitors imported added.
(VLS4098) FIS : ICR,, coefficient of 3.50, if there are less than 5 competitors with points, 999.00 points will be awarded to the missing competitors.
(VLS4390) FFS: Shooting penalty export is necessarily to the second.
Intermediate gaps added for optional software.
VideoFinishPro status can be set from the context menu.
Automatic test based on competitor gap added to define Video Finish Pro status.
Other corrections and optimizations.
버전 11.1.03 (09/01/2023)
The team printout is reactivated when the type of race is changed.
(VLS3759) Update of the Catalan and Spanish language.
(VLS3783) Header: Correction of the import of competitors from the database.
(VLS3790) FFS: Correction of the recovery of minimum and maximum penalties according to the grouping.
(VLS3683) New pulse data is sent before the sector time result.
Improvements to various component positions/sizes.
Other corrections and optimisations.
버전 11.1.02 (08/12/2022)
FFS registrations: The message of the competitors' constraints is displayed in case of transgression.
The QR code export only prints one page.
Update of the Norwegian language.
(VLS3664) Updated server address for sending FFS races.
(VLS3673) FFS entries: The competitor constraints message is correctly displayed in case of transgression.
(VLS3675) Outside biathlon, the bonus is not taken into account instead of only outside IBU.
(VLS3691) FFS, XML export: Switch to ISO-8859-1 encoding and force Sex tag instead of "Gender".
(VLS3524) Fixed restoration of 3 condition filters.
(VLS3697) Codex can only accept the following characters: 09AZaz-_..
(VLS3706) The ESF 4807 server address is automatically generated when entering the school number.
(VLS3718) Swiss-Ski : the file provided by the federation has gone back on the coding of the sexes (back to the letter D instead of W).
(VLS3707) Update of the dongle driver (v8.51), update of the installation program (v6.1).
Other corrections and optimizations.
버전 11.1.00 (29/11/2022)
Update of the competitor categories.
The modal windows are replaced if they protrude from the screen or are covered by the taskbar.
Avoids a saving error if a text data has an apostrophe
Fix: Display of TIC Code field.
Fix: Activation of race ticket field.
ALGE MT1: Connection to the web service, reception of bibs on the series, misunderstood frame, reception of time in non sequential mode, display of synchro with Alge-Results.
ALGE TIMY : Reception of times received by radio.
Correction : Display of championship menu
Fix : Receipt of alphanumeric chips from RaceResult decoders
Fix : Scoreboard display of time to beat per event.
Race Results TrackBox: Add time zone management.
(VLS3242, VLS274) Race Results Decoder RRS : Races can be timed beyond 24h00, in GPS mode or not.
Chrono raceresults: the transponder 99999 instead of 9999.
Race Results USB Timing Box/Track Box : Races can be timed beyond 24h00.
Added time zone management for the TRACKBOX of RACE RESULT.
Alge MT1 > Races can be timed beyond 24h00.
ALGE TIMY : Better management of disconnection detection if several Timy are connected.
Vola VT Decoder : Races can be timed beyond 24h00.
Added support for Agil IMHP870 timers : master mode, radio 1 to 4, pulse synchronization and RF.
(VLS2689) The request for systematic addition to the timing booklet is optional.
(VLS2928) For the RACE RESULT USB TIMING BOX start of channels at index 1 instead of 0.
(VLS3289) Added three different sets of colors for the windows: light, medium, dark.
(VLS2845) The re-downloaded sequential takes well the first missed pulse and the new generated pulse.
(VLS2178) FDS Timing : Support of the TBox with its FIS identification number.
(VLS2284) Addition of the Video-Finish-Pro status for each competitor, PF*.
(VLS2512) Addition of an option allowing to deactivate the sending of the data to the additional software.
(VLS2780) The list number used is always visible in the general parameters.
(VLS2782) Shooting interface : added navigation from a competitor.
(VLS2784) Shooting interface: possibility of recording all the shots of a competitor at once.
(VLS2892) The comment field can hold 128 characters.
(VLS3031) Support of the terms Mädchen & Knaben for the import of sexes.
(VLS3106) Shooting interface : support of relay formats.
(VLS3107) The entries for the activated shots correspond to the parameters of the first competitor when you click on "Modify information".
(VLS3212) Scoreboards : Reactivation of events after a status.
(VLS3215) Alge D-RTNM : Passage to 48 characters.
(VLS3253) Shots are not displayed for absent competitors.
(VLS3251) The title does not display _ instead of & anymore.
(VLS3422) Update of the Latvian language.
(VLS3433) Added an alpine ski simulator with a start, a finish and two intermediates.
(VLS2964) ALGE Timy : Added an option to not monitor and re-download missed sequentials.
(VLS3283) Modal windows are now impacted by Windows zoom.
(VLS3490) Alge Timy : Added an option to use only manually entered bibs.
(VLS3493) Update of the Polish language.
(VLS3506) It is now possible to use up to 11 timers.
(VLS3511) Correction of an error in the recording of the ski jump information.
(VLS2855) Addition of fields Class, Point 7 and 8, national points 6, 7, 8, other numbers 7, 8 and blocking clips, Import of points and PAR rankings for world cup lists.
(VLS3558) The side menu of the timing management is no longer shifted by -40 pixels.
(VLS3548) Update of the english language.
(VLS2638) Addition of the start time for the display of the start lists.
(VLS3601) The Ticket Course field is displayed as non-disabled.
Several improvements of positioning of the components of the windows: alignments, centering...
Improvements in the management of the side menus.
Championship: the number of rounds taken into account limits the addition of points.
Blocking of competitor import with same bib.
Translation of championship parameters buttons.
Translation of the insertions in the vertical menu.
Correction of the menu headers that change color when the mouse hovers.
Optimization of the speed of insertion of new data.
Avoids displaying a check mark on a menu header.
Added the FDS Timing MLed scoreboard.
FFS : Update of the server address for the export of the races.
Avoid to launch several times the simulator timer.
Correction of the background color and the title font.
Adjustment of the background color of the lines of the scoreboard scenarios.
The option to prepare start lists in reverse order is no longer checked by default.
Timers greater than 4 are now available in the intermediate configuration.
The field "other" has been changed to 240 characters.
The list import folder is created if it does not exist before the search for the last available lists.
The column header of the import is green or red.
Shooting information is correctly recorded even if the competitor has not crossed an intermediate or the finish.
Correction of the encoding of accents for Timestamp.
Correction of the import of a jury member in the header window.
Update of the signature certificate of the application.
SQLite 3.40.0 update.
Other corrections and optimizations.
버전 10.1.06 (21/02/2022)
(VLS3050) Correction of the "ski time" classification in pursuit.
(VLS3058) Italian language update.
Forces the sending of start times to Video-SkiNordic-Pro after a mass start.
Fixed destruction of scoreboards when closing the timing window that could lead to an access violation.
Correction of the sending of documents that are replaced.
버전 10.1.05 (10/02/2022)
RACE RESULT USB TIMING BOX : Channels start at index 1 instead of 0.
Support of the TrackBox Race Results.
MT1 ALGE : Added deletion of triggers.
MT1 : Take into account the option of not identifying the numbers.
Timy : Rewrite of the re-download of the sequential to compensate for a loss of connection during a re-download.
Added automatic adjustment of the font size for the titles.
ESF : Correction of the generation of ESF codes.
ESF : Correction of the shift of the days.
FFS : If the race is not homologable, the penalty is not exported.
FFS : The export is blocked if the level is TRA and the grouping is not TRA and the race is not homologable.
FFS : The export is blocked if the level is No Point but the race must be homologated.
FFS : The export is no longer blocked if the category is *, a simple warning is given.
Correction of the team filtering up to the Miscellaneous 2 field.
(VLS2858) Scoreboard: Correction of the display of the ranking information in sub information.
(VLS2878) Removal of the FIS points column in the competitor modification window for FFS events.
(VLS2972) Correction of the display of the final ranking in team mode for individual times.
(VLS3001) Modification so that the teams remain visible after deletion of candidates belonging to these teams.
(VLS3004) Correction of the printout of the time of each runner for the final team ranking.
(VLS2662) The display time of the "Competitor on run..." data is the maximum time defined in the "After status" events..
Scoreboard : Correction of the intervertion run/race for the gaps higher than the intermediates.
KO Sprint: The editions in table are not truncated any more when the number of competitors per group is different in the first and the following phases.
KO Sprint: The sorting according to the qualification times is done by pair and not on all the groups.
The color of the track is correctly displayed in the table races.
The export to Publish-SkiNordic-Pro of the editions of the runs does not replace the previous ones.
Update of the Norwegian language.
버전 10.1.04 (05/01/2022)
Fixed not opening the multiple delete menu of the list windows.
버전 10.1.03 (04/01/2022)
Displays the message if there is an error downloading the ESF students.
Removed the option to display the menu, which is now always displayed.
- (VLS2770) Updated the German translation.
- (VLS2725) FFS import: Duplicates do not block the following imports.
- (VLS2833) Updated FTP server address for ESF openers.
- (VLS2810) Added Latvian language.
- (VLS2858) Scoreboard : Correction of the display of ranking information in sub information.
The signature is now stored with the national settlement parameters.
Import 4807: Days start on Sunday, filter criteria can be cumulated.
Duplicates do not appear in the list on the right.
Duplicates are tested on first name/last name/age.
A report of the number of imports is displayed after the import.
Added coloring by column and by day.
Added a progress bar during the search.
Added import of monitors.
KO Sprint : The ¼ finals can be activated by codex, addition of the allocation of bibs with automatic calculation of the number of qualified according to the parameters of each codex, the starting lanes are allocated by qualification time, Correction of the printing by codex, removal of the title of heat 0 printed in excess, the percentage of printing of the tables can be reduced.
Removal of the display of the last competitor in the ranking in the timing window.
It is now possible to choose several fields to create a filter list.
Added the Ski time ranking by run on the final results.
Updated the Italian language.
SQLite 3.37.0 update.
Other corrections and optimizations.
버전 10.1.01 (01/12/2021)
Mylaps SDK update 4.4.1
Maximum 1024 channels for Mylaps X2 decoders
EMIT ETS2 decoder support
Alge MT1 timer support
Improved management of vertical menus
Management of re-authentication after a disconnection
Increased timeout after internet loss for re-authentication
The sleeves waiting for the timeout no longer block the specials having recovered internet and having already reconnected
Re-integrated the re-download protocol for the Timy
Font separation for filters and document headers
FFS export: The code is sent with its letters
USSSA: Update of the address of the points lists
- (VLS1912) Table printing does not skip the selected category filter when "all categories" is checked
- (VLS2282) Updated list preparation rules for KO Sprint ICR 325.4.2.5, 325.4.2.6, 325.4.2.7
- (VLS2551) Print all categories even if a filter is chosen
- (VLS2629) Import FFS: Sprint are configured as individual event, distances are imported
- (VLS2635) Added automatic reconnection to scoreboards every 25 seconds in case of disconnection
- (VLS427) Adding the interface for entering shots
- (VLS2280) Competitors to beat data are always displayed
- (VLS2549) Disable high resolution handle
- (VLS2624) Lap count and lap length are not printed anymore
- (VLS2630) Add shoot type P-P
- (VLS2652) It is now possible to configure up to 5 stopwatches
- (VLS2044) Possibility to add comments for a competitor's penalty which will be printed at the end of the ranking
- (VLS2620) Biathlon : Addition of the ranking for the ski time
- (VLS2624) Lap count and lap length are not printed anymore
- (VLS2455) Added export of the start list in XML format
Correction of the display of the ranking by event in timing
Correction of the display of missing menus
Possibility to display the competitor's points on the scoreboards
Removal of menus not used for selection in list windows
Combined rankings are no longer blocked in KO Sprint
Possibility to display the interfaces and to generate a QR Code
FFS Registrations access is now in production
Other corrections and optimizations
The "Racepoints" field is not exported if no penalty is exported
Added the entry of penalty shots in biathlon through a web interface
ESF: Change of the server address for production
Updated the calculation rules for the KO Sprint
Other corrections and optimizations
버전 9.1.04 (06/01/2021)
(VLS1790) Update of Spanish and Catalan language.
(VLS1845) Poursuit : substraction of the start handicap time from the skiing time.
버전 9.1.03 (22/12/2020)
FFS : Support for newer ftp server.
FFS : Race point tag is not added anymore for FFS_SP group.
Support for TCP/IP protocol for Microgate µTab scoreboard.
Scoreboard : Up to 64 lines maximum.
Scoreboard : Add of data after an intermediairte position, it display data depending on the loop number isntead of a competitor start number.
ESF : Add student import from 4807 server or localy from your ESF server.
ESF : add SkiOpen sort rule for preparing starting list.
ESF : Updating from clubesf.com import the competitor esf code.
Column bib in untreated window is not cropped anymore with a screen below 1920px.
New river for Usb protection Dongle (v8,13).
(VLS1801) Handicap races can now be tested in demo mode.
Update of catalan language.
Update of spanish language.
Optimisation of reading data in database.
Others corrections and optimisations.
버전 9.1.00 (04/11/2020)
(VLS593) Team : Grey color is well applied to the selected row..
(VLS970) FFS : Race tickets are exported in XML file.
(VLS982) FFS: Women penalty is now computed with a minimum of 3 ranked womens instead of 5.
(VLS997) Relay : add field "Clt : competitor" and "Total : competitor" in print "Final ranking".
(VLS1738) Add title for shots C-D-D.
(VLS1755) Jusqu'à 8 conditions par filtre.
(VLS1755) Up to 8 condition by filter.
ESF : Fix an error on competitors update from clubesf.com
(VLS1634) ESF : Option to registrer competitors on clubesf.com is only available in ESF event.
(VLS1640) Fix an random error on opening ranking print "pursuit only".
(VLS1643) Correction of sector time 1 for pursuit race.
(VLS1646) Update of URL for downloading FFS incident report.
(VLS1730) Update of deutsch translations.
(VLS1673) Choosing an event in combined ranking is fixed.
(VLS1685) DSV : Event number is limited to 8 chars.
Update of factors F and category for upcoming season 2020/2021.
New servers address for download points list and upload events results to FFS.
Reinstatement of championship management.
Up to 200 championship slots.
New font management for subtitle handling.
New beta mode.
Update of USB dongle key protection for Windows 10 version 2004.
Heads columns are anew red when their is a duplicated field.
Fix of HTML export if accent chars are found.
Support for decoder TMR Faro1.
Mylaps X2 : Up to 255 channels.
Moving a line in starting list move the starthour too.
Chronelec : Manual impulse no more return bib 9999.
Fix of font and colors in labels creation.
Edits can now be divided by up two 8 columns.
Heat timing data can be added to final results print.
Update of italian language.
(VLS1628) FIS XML Export : Use W letter as woman instead of L as lady..
Others corrections and optimizations.
버전 8.0.07 (20/12/2019)
- Fixed sizing of windows files imports
- For upload, update of the ESF web address and integration of the secure SSL format
- Addition of the possibility of sending printing PDF on Publish-SkiNordic-Pro
- Integration of the possibility of broadcasting live timing informations with Publish Nordic
- Opening the calendar displays the list of competitors after the import
- Switching of the Vola logo in red mode for editions
- Avoids an error if the list of approved slope is not loaded before importing a race from the calendar- talian language update
버전 8.0.05 (17/12/2019)
- Fixed sizing of windows files imports
- For upload, update of the ESF web address and integration of the secure SSL format
- Addition of the possibility of sending printing PDF on Publish-Ski-Nordic-Pro
- Integration of the possibility of broadcasting live timing informations with Publish Nordic
버전 7.0.09 (05/03/2019)
- (VLS971) Biathlon: correction of a crash of the timing window caused by not enough memory reserved for intermediate rankings. Reserved memory now for up to 9 intermediates and 40 laps.
버전 7.0.08 (08/02/2019)
- (VLS911) Team events: correction of the window for modifying a team.
버전 7.0.06 (08/01/2019)
- (VLS857) Clarification of the window Mass start / Predefined start: the filters apply only for mass starts. Added a pursuit type start: so that the times of all competitors start at the theoretical start hour of the first to start, given that the starts in reality are by interval according to previous race gap.
- (VLS857) Biathlon pursuit: possibility to enter a grouped start penalty, for competitors with a great time gap which are given an advantage by starting earlier thant their pursuit gap.
- (VLS857) Pursuit: possibility to import the groupe start penalty from a file. - Pursuit: grouped start penalty is taken into account in the standard final ranking.
- (VLS857) Pursuit: added a ranking Pursuit only.
- (VLS863) Exportation of FFS and FIS events: for the exportation of not ranked competitors, correction of the run number.
- (VLS872) FIS: update of the email address for sending results.
- (VLS880) ESF (France), window Header, button for choosing the forerunner: correction of the imporation of the code moniteur of ESF forerunners and of the update of the handicap from the list of moniteur.
- ESF (France) : update of the connection protocol for clubesf.com which has changed.
- (VLS864) Competitors management: competitors list is refreshed after an update from a file.
버전 7.0.04 (10/12/2018)
- (VLS819) Update of language files in spanish and catalan.
- (VLS822) Calculation of a missing time: the timing device maximum precision is used for impulsion times.
- (VLS823) ESF (France): addition of a menu "Inscrire sur clubesf.com les concurrents sans code ou ayant un code EXT". This inscription is suggested each time one or several competitors are added in the current event competitors' database.
- Addition of the Microsoft Visual 2015 library in the installation pack.
- Correction of the standard Display-SkiNordic-Pro scénario for race levels where the competitors have no age category.
- (VLS830) Header windows: tabulation from a field to the following.
- (VLS847) Intermediates configuration: restoration of the display of intermediates name in the configuration window.
버전 7.0.02 (05/12/2018)
- New design of the application: simplified interface, menus are developped, title simplified, accessibles in fewer clics, new home page which presents the software suite.
- Update of SQLITE 3.25.5 library for databases.
- Support of software protection keys for april 2018 update of windows 10.
- (VLS704) FFS (France): support for SSL protocol when importing points lists.
- Timing device configuration : faster display of the window.
- Support of the new software protection keys.
- (VLS531) ESF (France): update of the importation of the monitor lists.
- (VLS560) ESF (France): in the timing window addition of a panel with the forerunner time and times for medals.
- (VLS563) ESF (France): scoreboard scenario: correction of the description of the data "Event : After a finish : Médaille 1".
- (VLS580) ESF (France): importation of field "Team" from .SAV files.
- (VLS621) ESF (France): forerunners import: possibility to import last year list if current list is not published. If the forerunners file is available, the monitors file is downloaded too to complet forerunners data. Addition of fields code and name of the ESF for monitors and forerunners. ESF (France): in the header window, possibility to filter according to the ESF name or code when importing a forerunner.
- (VLS501) Addition of data "Event : after a status change : Did Not Finish", "Event : after a status change : Did Not Start", ... for each status. Addition of text "DNF" in case of Did Not Finish in the default scoreboard scenarios.
- (VLS516) ESF (France): forerunner net time: the accomplished time is truncated to obtain the base time.
- (VLS587) FFS (France): start list round 2: possibility to automatically add the DNS, DNF or DSQ of round 1.
- (VLS603) Events Files, menu Duplicate: if in the source event it is tick-marked "Send results to the internet", the newly created event will send to a new online event.
- (VLS646) Swiss-Ski (Switzerland): the NPS status is now exported in the XML result files. Support for the Combi-Race discipline.
- Swiss-Ski (Switzerland): securisation of SSL protocol for downloading points lists.
- FIS: update of minimum penalties, FIS categories and age categories.
- IBU: update of age categories.
- FFS (France): update of minimum penalties, FFS categories and levels, age categories and age categories grouping.
- Update of data for season 2019 for: Swiss-Ski (Switzerland), OESV (Austria), USA, NSF (Norway).
- Simplification of the installation process.
- Update of the language file in german and german (Austria).
- Event type: correction of flickers when changing discipline.
- Header: correction of the buttons for loading homologuated courses.
- Course selection: clarification of the menus.
- Scoreboards: added a new default scenario for SCOREBOARD-PRO.
- Competitors windows: correction of the windows width recording.
- Competitors window: simplification of search fields, added buttons "Next" and "Previous".
- Sort order, for example for bibs: for compeitor fields of type liste, the ascneding order is the alphabetic order of the strings of the list, instead of their order in the list.
- Filter list: if an empty filter list is applied, this empty list is recorded for next filter list.
- Filter list: replacement of button "Options" with two buttons: "Delete the list" and "Create a list based on a Competitor Field".
- Assign bibs, option to sort according to competitor fields: windows Sort order and Filter List have been collected together.
- Import from a File: an option renamed: Delete: Characters ".
- Competitors, withdrawal of the menu: Duplicate the selected competitor.
- Clarification of the option: Maximum gap for all runs.
- Starting List: withdrawal of menu "Prepare according to a championship".
- Added the possibility to code a protection dongle for Live-SkiNordic-Pro-Fis.
- Competitors: separation between menus Import from and Update from.
- Starting List: reorganistion of starting list preparation menus: in order to collect menus preparing from another event after menus preparing from the same event.
- Window Directories, new option to display the menu bar or not. Pressing the Alt key activates this option and the menu bar remains displayed when executing a menu.
- Improvement of the software interface for events having sub-events (sprint for example).
버전 6.0.03 (23/01/2018)
- (VLS467) Update of language file in italian.
- (VLS492) Biathlon with time penalty: addition of a new data "Race time" in the edit Final ranking.
- (VLS518) Update of language files in spanish and catalan.
버전 6.0.02 (27/11/2017)
- Edits with two lines of data by competitor: correction of the loading of second lines from a .EDF edit file.
버전 6.0.01 (22/11/2017)
- FFS (France): when importing the FFS Nordic list, if the file clubesf.txt is not included in the downloadable list on ffs.fr, no transcription ESF club codes to ESF names is processed.
버전 6.0.00 (20/11/2017)
- (VLS242) Freeform header: restoration of the possibility to modify the size, style and police of characters.
- (VLS260) FFS (France), Biathlon: updating from FFS list must not modify penalty by missed shot.
- (VLS302) Biathlon Relays, edit Run Ranking: correction of data Total, Sectors.
- (VLS304) Biathlon, window Intermediates configuration: added buttons Save and Load.
- (VLS328) Update of the language file in Italian.
- (VLS406) FFS (France): added new FFS discipline codes (example Sprint Court) when exporting the results of an event.
- (VLS426) Biathlons with two shooting times: added an option "Two ski laps between shots". Adjustment of the orange or green color of the discs counting the passages penalty track of the 3rd lap, meaning after the 2nd shot.
- (VLS431) Correction of SkiNordic-Pro icon dispaly on the Windows task bar.
- (VLS437) Sprint, preparing the Start List with the last round: if there is a sub-event filter selected, this filter is applied to the qualification ranking.
- (VLS440) Biathlon: added configuration diagram of the biathlon stadium depending on intermediates number and their positions.
- (VLS442) Édits "Run ranking" and "Final ranking": correction of the data "Ski Time". Adjustment of data "Ski Time" on Display-SkiNordic-Pro.
- (VLS443) All edits: added possibility to display two lines of data by competitor, in order to display more data.
- (VLS444) In timing window, edit Time records (by number): the passages are sorted chronologically.
- (VLS445) Clarification of the window for Mass Start: renamed button "..." into "Timing Device", label "Start Time" renamed "Mass Start: Start Time" or "Interval Start: Start Time for the 1st Competitor:" if the start times are defined or not in the Start List window and if they are equal or not. Added support for interval start beginning at the time entered in the edit box or sent by the timing device.
- (VLS446) Update of language file in norwegian.
- (VLS448) During timing, possibility to set Live/Display so that displays will be according to ranking on intermediates of the 4th lap.
- (VLS451) FFS (France): update of age categories in Biathlon, Nordique Combined, Popular Cross-Country, Fond Spécial, Roller-Ski, Ski Jumping, of FFS Regroupements, F factors, minimum and maximum penalties, FIS: check of F factors, FIS categories, fixed or minimal penalties, withdrawn maximum penalties (article 5.3.3 withdrawn), update of age categories in Nordic Combined, Popular Cross-Country, Special Cross-Country, Ski Jumping, Roller Skiing, US Ski & Snowboard (USA): replacement of the abbreviation USSA by USA, update of age categories, F factors, USA points liste, Swiss-Ski (Switzerland): update of age categories in Biathlon, Cross-Country and Ski Jumping, OESV (Austria): update of age categories in Biathlon, Cross-Country, Relay and Ski Jumping, FAE (Andorra): update of F factors F, NSF (Norway): update of age categories in anticipation, IBU: update of age categories.
버전 5.1.04 (16/01/2017)
- Biathlon : restoration fo the possibility to import shooting results from a file.
버전 5.1.03 (10/01/2017)
- Biathlon with penalty in distance: possibility to set up to 1 x 4 or 4 x 2 shooting sequences with up to 3 intermediate times in option: on shooting range entrance, on the penalty track and on shooting range exit. The 2 recommended intermediates are: the penalty track and the shooting range exit. In "Event Type", the window "Intermediates configuration" enables to choose the timing device and the channel for each intermediate, to visualise the crossing order and to rename the sectors. The intermediate which counts penalty laps does not create any additional sector: there is a unique sector time between entrance and exit of the shooting track. Withdrawal of sectors before optional intermediates in: the edit "Run ranking", the window "Manage Runs" and the data sent to Live-/Display-. In timing mode, update of the lists of expected competitors by not keeping them before the optional intermediates.
- Biathlon: when importing competitors, initialisation of the number of shots and the penalty time by missed shot according to their category or the value recorded for the event.
- FFS and ESF (France): when importin .SAV files, initialisation of points for competitors without points.
- ESF (France): new possibility to export files with format .SAV for ESF software.
- (VLS71) Update of language file in Catalan.
버전 5.0.02 (21/12/2016)
- Correction of the ranking calculation for Sprint events having several sub-events when this ranking is imported in a championship.
버전 5.0.01 (08/12/2016)
- (VLS32) Pursuit: in the window "Start List", option "Prepare Start Times", these times are not only displayed truncated to seconds, but recorded too with this truncation to seconds in order to be used truncated in timing mode chronométrage with the option "Mass start" by checking "According to times loaded to the start list".
- (VLS34) FFS (France): in biathlon, correction of the event penalty calculation..
- (VLS47) Restoration of the icon on the task bar when the timing window is open.
- (VLS52) IBU: in "Manage Competitors", correction for accessing again to the window "Categories" in Biathlon events.
- (VLS59) Sprint: for every new event the option "Prefill heat start lists according to FIS rules" is checked as a standard.
- FFS (France): clarification of the FFS import option: file extension: only .SAV, no .DAT extension.
- ESF (France): in "Manage Competitors" button "Options" clarification of the menu "Import Competitors from an ESF text file" and removal of the filter "*.txt" because the ESF files sometimes have other extension or none. Removal of the "Aaria" format which is no longer used. In "Manage Competitors" option "Import Competitors from a FFS or ESF file (.SAV)": import of the bib and points of each competitor.
- In timing mode : correction for displaying the Vola application icon on the task bar.
- ESF (France): in the window "Header", button "Sélection de l'ouvreur": new possibility to update the handicaps from the list of forerunners currently downloaded on the computer. And new menu line for removing in one click a forerunner from the list.
- ESF (France): the downloads of monitors and forerunners lists are moved under the menu "Downloads".
- Downloads of lists: if the download does not take place, only the cancellation of the update is available.
- ESF: restoration of imports and updates from clubesf.com.
- ESF: in "Manage Competitors", option "Mettre à jour les concurrents depuis clubesf.com": refresh of the list of competitors is now processed for each selected "concurrent similaire".
- Scoreboard: "MICROGATE µTAB". How to configure these LED lines:
1) Hold down the "LAP-Reset" button during at least two seconds to access the Setup module
2) Select the program "BASE PROGRAM" with the Start-Stop button.
3) Then, scroll through the parameters with the "Lap-Reset" button.
You can change the "col" parameter with the "start-stop" button from 0 to 25, which corresponds to line 1 to 26 in SkiNordic-Pro.
4) Scroll through the parameters with the "Lap-Reset" button until exit from the configuration menu.
- In menu "Local configuration", then "National regulations": addition of a drop-down menu to choose the format of the editions in "A4 (210 mm x 297 mm)" or "US letter (216 mm x 279 mm)". This takes into account the US letter printing format if the computer setup for the printer in use are positioned to "US letter" too.
- When the option "Use freeform header" is selected in the "General Parameters": in the window "Header", replacement of the input space in Rich Text Format by a standard text input to correct the pixelation. This free header is always displayed in bold.
버전 5.0.00 (25/11/2016)
- Nordic Combined: window "Modify Data": correction of the name of editable timing data and possibility to edit the wind speed.
- Window "Start List", option "Prepare Start Times": correction of the first competitor search for applying the "Start Time for 1st Competitor".
- Biathlon: in the timing window, a yellow warning icon is displayed if a competitor has crossed the finish line without the same number of penalty laps as the number of missed shots.
- Biathlon: window "Event type", button "Parameters...": clarification of the labels for setting biathlon penalty type. Update of the window title.
- Nordic Combined: in the edit "Final ranking" new column field with the times corresponding to the Ski Jumping round, and addition with the Cross Country times. For all new event of type "Nordic Combined", the standard format for edit "Final ranking" contains: points and time gaps for the Ski Jumping round, ranking for each round, and race time for Cross Country rounds.
- Sprint: correction of the edit "Start List (tab)" when the first round of finals is directly a final.
- Swiss-Ski: for "Swiss Loppet" races, the XML export is now supported. The option is in the window "Event type".
- In biathlon, if the number of penalty laps corresponds to the number of shots, green disks are dipslayed. Otherwise orange disks are displayed.
- In "Manage competitors": new fields "Cross Reference 1" and "Cross Reference 2" only existing with configuration "USA". And fields "Points 10" and "Points 11" are active only in Biathlon with the names "Shots number" and "Penalty by missed shot".
- FIS: update of age categories and FIS race categories, FFS (France): update of age categories, ESF (France): check of the medals coefficients, USSA (USA): update of age categories, check of F-factors, and of the USSA points list, Swiss-Ski (Switzerland): update of age categories, check of F-factors, update of the download link for the points list, OESV (Austria): update of age categories, and of the OESV list without points of competitors of 2016, NSF (Norway): update by deduction of the age categories.
- Update of language files in Italian, German, German (Austria) and English.
- Window "National regulations": country names are now listed in alphabetical order.
- Championship: correction of the display of results with decimals.
- Competitors database: addition of 5 fields "Custom" which can be set up to complete the competitors description.
- In "Local configuration" menu "Display Board N": correction of the loading of standard scoreboard scenarios.
- Windows "Modify Data", "Manage un-processed" and "Timing": if the synchronisation timestamp is not known to the software, the net times and statuses of non ranked competitors are created with the start hour added to one millisecond. And a "+" icon is attached to these day times if they are toggled to valid time.
- Team rankings: correction so that checking the box "Skip a page" does apply a page end in the edit. Correction too of "Number max by filter". And correction of the counting of ranked team. Translation complements in the window for setting team rankings.
- "Manage Competitors", option "Assign bibs", adding or editing a competitor and window "Start List": the bib range dedicated to forerunners can not be used in assigning bibs nor in the start list.
- Window "Modify Data": removal of the button "Cancel" which did not process a cancel operation but a reload of the displayed competitor. Clicking the upper right red cross processes without confirmation: saves the displayed competitors then closes the window.
- Menu "Files"/"Manage Events"/"Restore an Event": if the desired location for restoring is already occupied, a message gives the possibility to empty this location by deleting the corresponding event.
- "Timing" window: any competitor already having a status or being started can be presented at start again by double-clicking in the list of competitors expected at start.
- In "Manage Competitors", button "Options", menu "Assign bibs": if validated with "OK" and if there is still competitors with no bib entered: display a window asking for confirmation.
- Improved visual aspect of the the user interface.
- Addition of a menu "Downloads" between "Files" and "Event". This menu contains all download operations for SkiAlp-Pro: federal points lists, FIS homologated courses lists.
- Optimisation of the cache for timing data databases.
- Update of the library for managing SQLITE databases.
- Timing booklet: up to 256 files. The deletion of a file is taken into account.
- Timing devices: addition of the Race Results USB Timing Box. Correction of sound reading on a n impules for decoders.
- Team rankings: correction of the not ranked teams lists.
- Team rankings: correction of the team total count.
버전 4.0.09 (17/02/2016)
- Team Events: correction of filter in edits: are now listed only the teams in which all competitors correspond to each filter.
- In the timing window, setting a forerunner's status to DNS does not list this forerunner as running on first sector.
- ESF (France): the competitors found with the same name, same ESF code and same year of birth are automatically updated. And restoration of the recording of a choice in the "Concurrents similaires" window.
- FFS (France): due to the new settings of the FFS FTP server the process for sending results to FFS has been updated.
- In "Local configuration", window "Publication on the Internet" the password for Prints-Pro is now recorded.
- Window "Modify Data" when outside of the timing window: restoration of the recording of the net time if a finish time of day is attributed to a competitor already started.
- Correction when a non calculated net time is detected when opening the timing window, this net time is now calculated and recorded.
- ESF (France): when creating a new competitor the year is initialised to 0 instead of 1899.
- ESF (France): for races of type "Mémorial", no data "Ouvreur" are exported anymore.
- ESF (France): when creating or importing competitors, the question asking to update or not from clubesf.com is now asked only once.
버전 4.0.08 (21/01/2016)
- Window "Modify Data": correction of the status change of a competitor who has already finished. This status is now reported into the times of day displayed in the timing window.
Edit "Final Ranking", option "Statistics of the results": correction of the count of competitors marked "Disqualified" corresponding to the competitors in "Manage competitors" which are not in the start list.
- FFS (France): Menu "Files" / "FFS Calendar": if they are empty pre-fill of age categories, sex and in sprint: pre-fill of the levels of finals in the window "Select active event" which can be opened from "General Parameters" by clicking on the button marked with a circle arrow "

- Sprint: if there is 6 competitors by Serie and if in the "Event type" the option "Use 5 series in 1/4 final" is check-marked, start list of 1/2 final are pre-filled according to the FIS rules: qualification of the two competitors having the best qualification time among the ranked 3rd in 1/4 final.
- Sprint: addition of progress bars when editing start list and rankings in tab format.
버전 4.0.06 (16/01/2016)
- FFS: the control of a FIS codex has been removed for FFS level races.
- USSA: when exporting a FIS race, if the FIS codex has a wrong format, the error message indicates the expected format: "1043".
버전 4.0.05 (11/01/2016)
- FIS: when exporting a FIS race in which the FIS race code has not been filled, SkiNordic-Pro now throws again an explanation error.
- ESF (France): when importing or creating a competitor in an ESF race, his code is checked on the web server clubesf.com and if needed an update of his data is suggested.
버전 4.0.04 (06/01/2016)
- Update of language files in Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Catalan, German and German (Austria).
- USSA: the FIS Codex must now be entered as 4 digits. The control of this format has been updated in the window "Select current active event" in USSA or in Parallel events and when exporting results to .XML for FIS and USSA. When exporting for FIS, SkiAlp-Pro controls that the Nation has been correctly entered in the window "General Parameters" and the TD FIS ID as 3 digits in the window "Header".
- ESF (France): in the section "Manage competitors" after a click on the menu "Options" / "Importer de nouveaux concurrents depuis clubesf.com", the ESF code is now recorded.
- Biathlon: correction: in the timing window or outside of it, changing the status or the number of missed shots in biathlon does not create a time of day if the status is unchanged.
- Window "Header": new possibility to translate "Swiss-Ski TD" and "IBU TD".
버전 4.0.03 (09/12/2015)
- Biathlon: in "Manage Competitors" when adding or modifying a competitor: correction of the combo-boxes "Region" and "Club". They are now prefilled with the regions and clubs of the event.
- Team events: correction of the menu "Import Teams from a file" which now processes a real import instead of an update.
- Biathlon: in "Manage Competitors" when importing a competitor, initialisation of the data "Shots number" and if applying "Penalty by missed shot" corresponding to its category. If this is not set in the window "Categories", the initialisation follows the current event type parameters.
- Biathlon Relay: in the Timing window, restoration of the possibility to enter shots for all competitors of each team up to 8 shots and display of the shots detail.
- Timing window: refresh of the grids "Ranking" and "Records" after any modification in the timing data of a competitor.
- Biathlon: edits "Run ranking (points)" and "Final ranking (points)": possibility to display race points per rank or according to Cross-Country formula or both.
- Team events: in "Manage Teams" the teams having no bib, or no competitors are now displayed. Refresh of the list of teams after each modification.
- Ski jumping: possibility to record jump length without measuring the speed at the edge of the takeoff.
버전 4.0.02 (27/11/2015)
- Biathlon: optimisation in the source code of the loops checking the number of shots by competitor when opening competitors database. These checks are not processed anymore on the full federal lists.
버전 4.0.01 (25/11/2015)
- The installation pack now includes the DLL files corresponding to the Microsoft Windows developpement library.
- Withdrawal of the choice "Timing mode" / "Management mode". This option is only intended for alpine skiing.
- Timing device Alge Timer S4: correction of the reading of hundredth and thousandth of seconds.
버전 4.0.00 (19/11/2015)
- The general changes listed in the "Change Log" tab of SkiAlp-Pro version 4.0 are also implemented in SkiNordic-Pro in addition to the changes listed below.
- Window "Start List": right mouse-click: correction of the unwanted duplication of the column "Order" and activation of "line" menus for columns "Order" and "First name".
- Window "Prepare Start times": addition of the new button "Filter".
- Header for off-FIS races: texts completed for the "Committee" field are now reported on the edit headers.
- Sprint rankings: new possibility to choose to rank the eliminated in final phases according to their place in the final or only according to their qualification times.
- "Manage Teams": all teams are now listed even if they do not correspond to the event filter or are incomplete: in these two cases, they are highlighted in red.
- "Import Teams from a file": completion of the title for competitors data to explicit that competitors data must contain their licence code.
- Sprint: at the creation of an event the number of competitors per team is initialised at 2.
- FFS (France): the export of Sprint competitions is now unblocked, because the FFS export format has not followed the evolutions of FIS exports.
- Timing window: a competitor marked "DNS" which has a net time is now notified with an orange triangle sign.
- ESF (France): import of competitors from clubesf.com server: correction of the graphic setup of the window with competitor search criteria.
- ESF (France): ability to import Ski Open competitors before the availability of the members list.
- FIS : correction of additives: always zero in Cross Country, check of the age categories.
- FFS (France): update of age categories, no available data for F factors, min and max penalty and additives.
- Swiss-Ski: update of age categories.
- OESV: update of age categories.
- USSA: update of age categories.
- NSF: update of age categories without official document.
- IBU: updated of age categories.
- ESF (France): correction of the option "Mettre à jour les concurrents depuis clubesf.com": the last 100 competitors are now also updated.
- ESF (France): result files are now sent to clubesf.com instead of skiopen.net.
: standard in the reverse order of the bibs, and optionally in the order of the points (Sprint qualification format).
- FFS (France): at the creation of an event, it is initialised as an event to be homologated and the export of FFS events are blocked only if the event has to be homologated in the case that the homologated date is not filled.
버전 3.0.03 (07/01/2015)
- Edits: correction of the correspondance of nation flags in case of a list of filters.
- FIS: update of the hours format in exports.
- Team events: filters in edits now apply on competitors fields instead of teams fields.
- New timing device: support for RaceResults decoder.
- FAE (Andorre): update of F-factors, minimum and maximum penalty.
- Addition of the possibility to use Live-SkiNordic-Pro and Live-SkiNordic-Pro-Fis when having no licence for Display-SkiNordic-Pro.
- Addition of a control for avoiding simultaneous writings in the time database.
- Update of the title "Penalty calculation" in German ("Zuschlagsberechnung").
- Update of the language file in Italian.
- Limitation of the status "RAL: Ranked last" to the Sprint discipline.
버전 3.0.02 (27/11/2014)
- Scoreboard: new "Penalty" data.
- Biathlon: if a new bib is introduced at start with no competitor corresponding in the competitor management database, the number of shots are now initialised.
- Update of language file in Norwegian.
- Translation completions.
버전 3.0.01 (14/11/2014)
- Biathlon: correction of the use of different shot numbers and different penalties for all federations.
- Biathlon: correction of scoreboard data display after the shooting range exit in case of penalty laps counting.
- Update of language file in Italian.
버전 3.0.00 (06/11/2014)
- New "Demo" mode: possibility to test completely the software application in the limit of 20 lines of date-time or 10 net times.
- 2015 season: update of age categories, F-factors, default penalty for all federations, new categories FIS-U23, Swiss-Ski-Biathlon.
- Scoreboard: creation of an off-line mode which enables to display data on scoreboards when the timing window is closed.
- "Start List" edit: possibility to display a field column specifying the corridor number.
- Edits: the names of sectors between intermediates is now displayed in edits.
- FIS: Sprint: new status "RAL": Ranked Last.
- Sprint: optimisation of the processing time of rankings for final rounds.
- Sprint: choice to rank competitors eliminated in final rounds according to: their qualifying time, instead of their rank in their final heat.
- Sprint: possibility to set heats of 2, 4, 5, 6 or 8 competitors in the same event.
- Biathlon: possibility to receive automatically the results from the shooting range with targets Hora 2000 or Kurvinen KES with the new software component Timestamp-SkiNordic-Pro.
- Biathlon: as soon as a shot is manually entered, the following shot edit box gets active.
- Biathlon: new possibility to enter a different penalty time and a different number of shots for each category. For this option, go to section "Manage Competitors" / "Options" / "Categories".
- Biathlon: if the window "Modify Data" is opened when data from shooting range for the same competitor is received from Timestamp-SkiNordic-Pro, a popup window asks whether to accept or refuse the received data.
- Ski Jumping: addition of data "Wind speed" and compensation points for "Gate" and "Wind".
- Edits headers: addition of two jury members. They are customisable and exported as "Member" according to FIS data frame.
- FIS: Team Sprint: support of the export format for this discipline.
- FIS: Ski Jumping: support of the export format for this discipline.
- FIS, FFS (France): Pursuit: support of the export format for this discipline.
- FFS (France): Biathlon: correction of the export of penalty time by missed shots.
- ESF (France): Nordi-Cross: update of the medals coefficients.
- Photofinish: possibility to specify whether the finish hour has been modified with a photofinish. This is reported into the FIS export.
- FIS exports: correction of the nodes "Order" at start.
- Linking up cells hours with transponder hours: possibility to choose to process net times from the cells hours, or the transponder hours. In the FIS rules, the cells hours are prevalent: this choice is active for all newly created events.
- Penalty calculation: the time bonuses are not used in the race penalty calculation (as for time bonuses for multiple stage events).
- FIS training heats: possibility to indicate if a heat is for training. The FIS export will mention it.
- Connection indicator in the timing window for optional software: for Display-SkiNordic-Pro, Live-SkiNordic-Pro and Video-SkiNordic-Pro.
- Event booklet: the edits can now be added to a list in order to assemble them later into a single .PDF file.
- Race points calculation: possibility to specify a minimum and maximum penalty. Addition of a footer for acronyms DNF, DSQ.
- Printing Parameters: titles are now centered by default in all the pages.
- FIS Start lists export: the heat number is now mentionned in the file name.
- Update of the documentation and language file in Polish.
- Update of language files in Catalan and Spanish.
- All federations: possibility to specify whether the event counts or not for race points at the beginning: in the window "General parameters".
- OESV (Austria): new list of competitors without points.
- USSA (USA), Swiss-Ski (Switzerland), OESV (Austria): possibility to enter one code by category and gender. Possibility to process the timing of a multi-sex race and at the end to select one codex or the others to export each sub-race. Update of the USSA export: Vola software is now USSA-homologated. USSA points list download has been securized.
- FFS calendar: importation of the DT code.
- Timing window: new keyboard shortcuts in the time grids: "Enter" to write in the active cell, "Ctrl" + "left" or "right" to move to another column.
- You can introduce a competitor at an intermediate even if he is not waited there.
- Timing device: Alge Timy: restoration of the printing from computer to timing device. By default, it is not active.
- Data sent by the timing device are first saved in database before printing result on the timing device. This avoids the risk of non-calculated net times.
- Timing devices: Alge Timy and TDC8000/8001: possibility to identify bibs on channels c4 to c9.
- Event type: addition of a ranking on 2 best heats according to race points.
- Timing device: addition of Video-Finish-Pro.
- Timing devices and scoreboards are now alphebetically sorted.
- Wireless-Pro: possibility to communicate with your timing devices via Internet through Vola server.
- Scoreboard data: simplification of formatting: addition of a suffix and a prefix.
- Sectors: the names of sectors and intermediates are now editable and reported on the edits and on Live-SkiNordic-Pro and Display-SkiNordic-Pro.
- Software protection: simplification of the window for coding the protection key. Addition of explanations in a footer.
- TimeTronics: possibility to chain up to 4 scoreboards.
- Timing / Live / Display: it is now possible to apply a filter list on the ranking instead of only one filter.
- Multipage editions paper printing: correction of the option "Collate" by heap of ascending page number.
- Update for opening spreadsheet files .XLS, .XLSX and .ODS when only OpenOffice is installed.
- Software recast: update of user controls (buttons, entering, grids, etc.), internet exchanges, HTML encoding, FTP transfers, read/write of files, etc.
버전 2.0.13 (13/03/2014)
- ESF (France): correction of medals calculation in Nordi-Cross.
- Language update for Italian.
버전 2.0.12 (04/03/2014)
- Biathlon: correction of shots loading in the window "Modify Data". Correction of bonus value in the edit for single heat ranking. Timing window: display enhancement.
- Scoreboard: support for Vola full matrix colour modules (CA8-15 modus).
- Broadcast of the results on Internet (edits, videos).
- Timing Device: Alge Timy through USB: driving update (Alge OCX v2.7.6 of 2014-02-10).
- Languages: update for Catalan, Spanish, Italian, German (+ Austria). And update of the documentation in Spanish.
버전 2.0.11 (21/01/2014)
- OESV: activation of more default competitor fields.
- OESV exports: if the birthdate value is zero, nothing is exported in the tags "Geburtsdatum".
- Biathlon: addition of the penalty calculation.
- Biathlon: addition of the possibility to create an export for IBU races.
- Biathlon: pre-fill of the Shots title.
- Edit "Starting List": record of the start corridors number.
버전 2.0.10 (17/01/2014)
- In "General parameters": for FIS races, addition of the possibility to enter the organising committee club. And for national races, possibility to enter the corresponding nation.
- ACA (Canada): pre-fill of the codes for Canada regions (provinces and territories).
- Handicap races: correction of the handicap option recording.
버전 2.0.09 (16/01/2014)
- Biathlon: addition of the possibility not to record times for shooting stand entering and exit.
- Handicap races: handicap values with 4 decimals (level FIS "DAR") and 2 decimals (Swiss-Ski).
- Alge timing devices: correction of the record of parameters besides channels (distances for speed at intermediates).
- Languages: update for German and German (Austria).
버전 2.0.08 (10/01/2014)
- Withdrawal of all printing from computer to timing device Alge Timy in order to respect the FIS rules.
버전 2.0.07 (09/01/2014)
- Update of FIS races formats: addition of the official format of quarter of finals with 8 competitors by heat.
- Sprint: recording of supplementary parameters for the active event (gender, track length). Competitors are filtered according to the active event during the Start List preparation from the qualification rankings.
- ESF (France): restoration of the possibility to customize supplementary ESF event formats and associated percentages.
- FFS exports (France): correction of double attributes "Sex" in the "Raceheader".
- FIS races exportation for FFS server: by default FIS level set to "FIS".
- Scoreboards: correction of data displayed after the finish.
버전 2.0.06 (24/12/2013)
- Languages: update for Italian and Norwegian.
- Addition of a control on the recorded event number for the qualification event.
- FFS exports and FIS races (for FFS with button "Exporter FFS (affichage site internet)"): the FFS keeping an old format of 2012, withdrawal of the new format. Correction of data sent in the tag "FFS_niveau". Addition of selection windows for the level and regroupment to ensure that they are chosen. Update of FFS "Regroupements et Niveaux" for FIS races.
버전 2.0.05 (16/12/2013)
- Biathlon: penalty laps are now recorded (display of the global lap number on a blue background, and the penalty lap number on a yellow background).
- Biathlon: pre-fill of intermediates for 2 or 4 series of shots.
- Biathlon: default setting is 2 series of shots.
- Biathlon: addition of data "Total (Shots)" and "Penalty laps", in edits, scoreboards and Live/Display interface.
- Biathlon: pre-configuration of intermediates if the event is a new one, or if the type has changed to "Biathlon".
- Possibility to setup up to 4 timing devices.
- Correction of air temperature format on edits headers.
- In Offline mode with an Alge timing device: drop-down menu with "c0, c1,..." instead of an edit-box.
- Languages: update for german and german (Austria).
버전 2.0.03 (10/12/2013)
- Timing Device Alge TDC 8000/8001: pre-fill of default channels.
- Swiss-Ski nordic header: T.D. Swiss-Ski, Chief of race, Course Chief, correction of coma shift for temperatures.
- Alge: Timing devices: correction of the non-memorisation of the channels, correction of the wrong affectation of sequential numbers to bib numbers.
- Timing window: correction of the full screen mode which did not display full screen with Windows XP.
버전 2.0.01 (26/11/2013)
- Addition of data "Bonus" in the rankings setup sent by SkiNordic-Pro to Display-SkiNordic-Pro and Live-SkiNordic-Pro
- IBU: possibility to choose the file for age categories. Default file: IBU age categories file.
버전 2.0.00 (22/11/2013)
- Timing Devices Alge: updates for TDC, Timer S4 and Timy: these timing devices are now recognized and fully efficient whatever baudrate is used on their RS232 output.
- Timing Devices: Alge Timy: correction of the data printed on the paper-band ; possibility to use several Timy plugged on different USB ports of the computer.
- Timing Devices: securisation of the serial communication (via COM port) to prevent any freeze of the application interface, and dis-activation of the periodical time send from Alge Timy.
- Automatic reconnection of all timing devices in case of connection loss, which for example happens sometimes with USB.
- Scoreboards: support for TimeTronics scoreboard, optimisation of the display protocol.
- The Ceres decoders are now named BeChronized.
- Scoreboard BeChronized: update.
- Support for .ODS files (OpenOffice spreadsheet files).
- ESF (France): possibility to update the competitors points at any time form the SkiOpen server or to download new entrants (JSON flux through PHP requests).
- ESF (France): addition of disciplines and coefficients for Biathlon and Ski Jumping ; update of ESF coefficients.
- Addition of a ranking according to gap from the finishers average result: rankings, edits, Scoreboard and Video data.
- FIS, FFS, Swiss-Ski, OESV, FAE, USSA, NSKIV, DSV, NSF: update of age categories ; update of F factors ; the points lists are now researched on the current season and then on the preceding season if needed.
- IBU: update of age categories, in section "manage competitors": activation of default fields, activation of a window for the setup of headers from the model of Cross-Country.
- Update of "Regroupments FFS", addition of "Niveaux FFS".
- Correction Swiss-Ski and OESV imports: for Swiss-Ski unique points for U12-U16, separate "Distance" and "Sprint" points for the FIS registered.
- FFS: importation of the 6 different types of points: fond, fond populaire, saut, biathlon, combiné nordique and rollerski ; addition of a field "Meilleur points" which stores the best points among "fond", "fond populaire", "biathlon" and "rollerski".
- FIS, FFS: pre-selection of age categories.
- Storing of the last three filters lists.
- Edits: addition of an option "Adjust grids width" to the page width set by margins.
- Flags: possibility to display flags in edits ; set up in "Local configuration" / "Folders" ; possibility to download the nation flags provided by Vola.
- Swiss-Ski: penalty calculation for less than 5 finishers for women or 10 for men.
- FIS: for parallels, new ranking rule: the eliminated ones in fourth of final (ranks 5 to 8) and in eighth of final (ranks 9 to 16) are now ex aequo, idem for the 9 to 16.
- USSA: possibility to enter two codex for FIS races in the USA (a FIS codex and a USSA codex).
- Championships: assignment of the same points to ex aequo if there is no tie-break chosen.
- For FIS points, the maximum is 999.99, but it is possible to import amounts greater than 1000 points.
- Alpine header: addition of the "chief of timing" for FIS.
- Language updates: German, German (austria), Italian, Polish, Catalan and Spanish.
- Addition of an option "Delete a group of competitors" for the Start List.
- Scoreboard: Alge D-Line 6 Digits: update of the default protocol and the default scenario.
- Team rankings: possibility to set a list of filters (instead of only one filter formerly).
- FIS: update of the Cross-Country (CC) export, distinction between last and first name (window "Header").
- FFS export with the new XML format of the FIS ; export of races without penalty: addition of the tag "FFS_Niveau".
- Manage competitors: refresh of the competitors list when the regulation or country is changed.
- Send of complementary data (temperature unit, altitud unit, etc.) to Live-SkiNordic-Pro-Fis (according to new version of FIS XML description v26).
- Header and exports: temperature with one number after the coma.
- Ski Jumping: distinction between the three disciplines: Normal Hill (NH), Large Hill (LH) and Ski Flying.
- "Team Sprint" and "Pursuit": reactivation of the option "Team" and the window for managing teams.
- Scoreboard: in tab "Ranking", addition of data "Shots of Competitor ranked ...".
- "Modify data": possibility to enter bonus times (besides penalty times) ; icon in ranking grids.
- In Sprint: addition of a check-box "Prefill heat start lists according to FIS rules" with all the possible formats in FIS: 2, 4, 5, 6 or 8 competitors by heat.
버전 1.0.09 (14/02/2013)
FIS : Update of age categories (for Cross Country, Popular, Roller Skiing, Summer Ski Jumping, Summer Nordic Combined).
FFS : Update of age categories (for Cross Country, Popular, Ski Jumping, Nordic Combined, Biathlon, Roller Skiing, Summer Ski Jumping, Summer Nordic Combined, Summer Biathlon).
버전 1.0.08 (12/02/2013)
Swiss-Ski: Edition: Final Ranking (with points): Addition of the possibility to create two editions in one single PDF: the final ranking with points plus the Penalty Calculation.
Languages update: Translation update for Italian.
Timing Device: Alge Timy/Timy2: Update of the data printed by the timer printer.
버전 1.0.07 (07/02/2013)
Relay: Default Relay event is now by team.
버전 1.0.06 (28/01/2013)
"Manage Runs" / button "Modify Data": Correction of the window "Modify Data": removal of the "SQL error" issue, and restoration of the Inter times edit-boxes.
FIS: Completion of the FIS level categories (for Cross-Country, Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined).
OESV, Swiss-Ski: XML exports are now in plain UTF8 ; this ensures the right encoding for accentuated characters.
Swiss-Ski: Update of age categories in Cross-Country.
Swiss-Ski: Update of the translation for "Swiss-Ski Nordic List" label.
FFS: Update of Cross-Country Adder (+ 0 points).
ESF: Addition of a reinitialisation button for the medals coefficients in window "National regulations".
ESF: Addition of a competitor code control in order to add corresponding prefixes ("ESF", "FFS", etc.).
버전 1.0.05 (31/12/2012)
Swiss-Ski: Update of age categories for Ski Jumping.
Skiathlon: Integration of the discipline "Skiathlon".
버전 1.0.04 (14/12/2012)
Alge Timy/Timy2: Correction: Automatic reconnection when connection is lost (red square in the Timing window).
FIS: Update of the FSP age categories.
Menu "Help" / "Documentation": Update of english, deutsch and french help files.
FFS / FIS Export: Can now export individual start run as sprint qualification.
Points results: Correction of points accuracy.
버전 1.0.03 (05/12/2012)
FFS: Correction of result export.
FIS: Revision of XML export according to the Data Exchange XML Protocol version 2.0.
Microgate: The channel "AUX" on the Racetime 2 is now recognize as number 4.
Translate: Update of italian translation.
버전 1.0.02 (29/11/2012)
Nordic Combined: Integration of the Gundersen for time difference / Update header for jump and cross country data / Update of edit for header / Integration of Team Nordic Combined
Ski Jumping: Integration Team Ski Jumping
FFS: Correction of the calendar import and the FFS list import
Other: Adding traductions and many improvements…
버전 1.0.01 (26/11/2012)
Ski Jumping: New Integration of the discipline "Ski Jumping" and "Ski Flying", with score judging for styles and length and speed mesurement.
NSF: New: Addition of the ski federation of Norway.
DSV: New: Addition of the ski federation of Germany.
NSKIV: New: Addition of the ski federation of the Netherlands, list importation is now possible.
IBU: New: Addition of all IBU categories.
FIS: Addition of all FIS categories.
FFS: Update for daily insurance race Tickets: ticket number displayed in the rankings, management of other days tickets.
ESF: Addition of the Nordi-Cross percentage.
Swiss-Ski: Can now work with handicap race.
USSA: Update of the age categories and factors F for season 2013.
Swiss-Ski: Addition of the handicap option which enable to apply a percentage to some competitors time.
Scoreboard Alge D-Line: Update of the default communication protocol.
Alge Chronoprinters: Now you can choose the c0 – c18 channel to configure your timing device.